Barr View Primary & Nursery Academy

Barr View Primary & Nursery Academy

  1. School Information
  2. Curriculum
  3. Remote Learning/Home Learning
  4. Remote Learning Overview

Remote Learning Overview

This document goes alongside the document – Remote Learning Provision at Barr View – and provides a brief overview of the provision the school provides.

Government stipulates that ‘schools should provide high quality, safe online/remote learning that aligns with school provision. All schools are expected to plan to ensure any pupils educated at home are given the support they need to master the curriculum and so make good progress.’


How Barr View responds to different scenarios for remote learning:


Remote learning provided

Individual pupil self-isolates due to illness

Pupils, who are ill, will not be expected to carry out school work until they are well.

Individual pupils who are self-isolating for a 10-day period.

Pupils will undertake home learning. This will be accessible through the child’s Seesaw account.

Year group bubble closed and pupils isolating

Pupils will undertake home learning. This will be accessible through the child’s Seesaw account.

Whole-school closure

Pupils will undertake home learning. This will be accessible through the child’s Seesaw account.

Other generic resources

Oak National Academy -

Active Learn (Bug Club, Abacus and Science Bug) -

Times Tables Rock Stars -

A summary of how Barr View use Seesaw for Remote Learning:

Seesaw is the online learning platform that Barr View use to provide children their daily curriculum work. This is explained further in the Remote Learning Provision- Seesaw document

  • The focus of activities will be predominantly covering the core areas of reading, writing and maths. These will be provided daily like they would be in school.
  • Teachers/Year groups will provide a short DAILY briefing using Seesaw to explain the activities.
  • Pre-recorded lessons/explanations will be provided by all Year Groups
  • Links will also be provided to Oak Academy, White Rose Maths and BBC Bitesize
  • Children should upload their work via Seesaw and they will receive feedback from their class teacher.
  • If children do not have access to Seesaw, then hard copies of work will be sent to their home.


A summary of how Barr View use Zoom for Remote Learning:

Key Stage Two will be providing daily Zoom meetings with their classes to outline activities for the day and to share any new learning or misconceptions with the children. Additionally, this is an opportunity for the children to share or ask any queries they have regarding their activities/remote learning.

This is explained further in the Remote Learning with Zoom document.


To access and download the Remote Learning Overview for Barr View Primary and Nursery Academy, please click on the link below:

 Barr View Remote Learning overview.pdfDownload
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