Barr View Primary & Nursery Academy

Barr View Primary & Nursery Academy

  1. About
  2. Barr View PTA Page

Barr View PTA 


What is the PTA?

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a group of parents and teaching staff who meet to help organise events, plan activities and generate ideas to support the school. New members are always welcome. The aim of the PTA is not just about fundraising, our role is to support the school and the community by organising fun social events and activities to raise money, which ultimately is spent on the children and the school. It is also about developing relationships and a sense of community. Plus, it's a great way of getting to know other parents and gives the children a real sense of belonging.

Our PTA is a member of Parentkind, which is a national charity and membership organisation for Parent Teacher Associations. We pay an annual membership fee which gives us lots of member benefits including comprehensive insurance cover for all PTA run events, support and advice on running the PTA plus fundraising ideas and good practice hints and tips.

Who gets involved?

Our newly formed PTA consists of enthusiastic parents and staff, who volunteer whatever time they can spare, in order to help and support Barr View School through fun and creative fundraising events and project. We have a Chair, Treasurer and a Secretary who are supported by the Senior Leadership Team within the school. We welcome any help from parents, teachers and friends, and have a list of volunteers who commit some of their time to helping the Association. Every little helps, so just one hour of your time assisting at an event would be invaluable, whether it be wrapping presents at the Christmas shop, or folding raffle tickets. So please get in touch if you’d like to get involved or if you have any questions or suggestions.


What events do the PTA run?

Each year we run a Christmas Fayre which is currently our key money raiser. In addition, we run a school disco for all children every half term, and non-uniform day for a small donation. We have lots more events planned for the future. 

How we spend the money we raised:

Following a fundraising event the money is banked straight away. It is at our PTA Trustee meetings, that the decisions on how to spend the money are agreed. We always try to respond when asked to help the school, and after the work is done, it’s so rewarding to see the children enjoy new resources and equipment provided by the PTA. The money we raise is usually spent fairly quickly. That way, you can be sure that in supporting our school, your child/ren will feel the benefit, along with everybody else. Of course there will be times when we may have to fundraise for a large project in the future.


Join our Team!

We are a friendly group and would love to hear from you! Pop along to a PTA meeting or catch us in the playground to say hello. We are always looking for new ideas and suggestions.

The Vice Chair / Acting Chair is Mr Ketan Rajpra

Contact the PTA via email: