Barr View Primary & Nursery Academy

Barr View Primary & Nursery Academy

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  3. Rise & Shine Club and After School Activity Club
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Below you will find all the information you need in relation to our Rise & Shine Morning Club and our After School Activity Club that is being run by Spark Active.

The Rise and Shine Breakfast Club is run by our Club Supervisor Miss Moore.  It operates Monday to Friday during term time and operates from 07:30am until 08:45am costing £4.00 from September 2024.  Below are a few points based on the most frequently asked questions - 

How do I register my child?

Due to the success of the club it is now at capacity and unable to take any new children.  This is constantly under review and we will inform you if a place becomes available.

Link to waiting list form - Rise & Shine waiting list form

How do I know if I have a place at the rise and shine club?

Once registration has been completed and checked either a member of the Breakfast Club team or a member of the school office staff will be in touch to confirm you child's start date.

How do I pay for my child's place at the club?

You will need a ParentPay login and must pay in advanced for your child's sessions so as staffing can be planned.

Where does the rise and shine club take place? 

It takes place in our canteen building located in the rear playground.

How much does Rise & Shine Breakfast Club cost?

The cost for breakfast club is £4.00 per child per day, payable in advance on ParentPay

How does my child get to the club each morning?

So as to ensure you child's safety at all times whilst on the school site it is a mandatory requirement that your child is escorted to the signing in point by a parent / carer or older (not primary school age) sibling.  Failure to do this may put your child's place at the club at risk.

Should you have any other questions or queries please email 

Spark Active (Formally KSSP) - After School Provision

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Dear Parent/Carers,

The 24-25 sessions are now live on the booking site. Please use this system to book and pay for sessions next half term, you will need to enter the password that will be emailed to you once you have been in contact with the club lead (this is to ensure only Barr View parents can access the sessions)

Booking System - Registration link 

Booking system - Booking Link

This is where you will find Barr View sessions 

The session times and prices are:

· 3:15pm – 5:00pm - £6.85

· 3:15pm – 5:30pm - £9.25

· 3:15pm – 6:00pm - £10.45

Can I also remind everyone that there is a charge if you pick your child up late (this info is in the policy).

For bookings and general enquiries please email